NCCS And InvitroCue To Develop Quantitative Cancer Imaging And Radiomics Applications For Treatment Of Liver Cancer Patients

National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with InvitroCue Pte Ltd (IVQ) to collaborate on research in the development of applications that will improve treatment outcomes in primary liver cancer or Hepatocellular Cacinoma (HCC).

This translational and clinical research in Radiomics is an initiative that will move precision medicine into clinical practice.

NCCS and IVQ , a Singapore-based provider of biomedical quantitative image analytic products and services, will develop the applications for liver related disease by extracting data from patient’s MRI or CT scans for non-invasive quantitative image analysis of HCC. The data will be correlated with cancer genomic profile and be validated for prognostics and treatment planning. It is hoped that clinicians can eventually use non-invasive imaging to select the most appropriate therapy for an individual patient and improve patient outcomes.

The collaboration brings together NCCS’ clinical and translational research expertise in HCC developed over the years and IVQ’s patented and know-how in biomedical quantitative image analysis.

Download the Press Release PDF Here:

IVQ NCCS MOU joint release-28Jan2016 [6903314]

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Photo (Left to Right) : A/Prof Han Chong Toh, Deputy Director NCCS and Dr Steven Fang Executive Director IVQ.

Photo courtesy of NCCS.

The above has been reproduced in Proactive Investors Australia.